
Do you have a suggestion for content that ought to be on this site? Send me an email! (My address is, for those who hate hyperlinks.) I’d love to know what my readers would find interesting.

If your question is specific to you and you want the equivalent of a written consultation, I need to be honest: I’m going to write back to you to suggest that you schedule a lesson in person or over Skype. I’m not a fast writer, and what might be an easy 20-minute answer for someone else is going to take me an hour. I’d love to help you out, but my schedule no longer allows me to do it for free.

If you’re interested in scheduling a consultation, if you want feedback on your teaching, or if you’re seeking private lessons for yourself or one of your students, you can view my rates here. If you’re seeking a service not listed on this page, please visit my homepage to see what I charge for performing or other coaching.

Thanks for taking the time to visit the Trumpet Pedagogy Project! I hope you’ve found it helpful. 🙂